Mission News: January – March 2021

Published: April 2021

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”

Proverbs 27:1

Who could have possibly imagined what would take place in the year that was 2020?  Few, if any, lives have remained untouched by the worldwide events.  Who could have planned for any of it?  2020 will likely be remembered by most as the year we were forced to make some very tough choices.  As a nation, as a society, and most importantly, as individuals.  Many have had to face the reckoning of where they have placed their faith.  Their hope.  Their trust.  That struggle will not end any time soon.

Only God is faithful.  Only He gives genuine hope.  Only He is trustworthy.  And if we learn nothing else from the events of 2020, it should be that God alone is Sovereign.  He is not surprised by anything.

Many have suffered great personal loss as a result of the China Virus and the COVID chaos that has followed.  It may be decades before we can truly understand the depth of damage done.  But, as so many other Believers have discovered, we as individuals and as leaders of the Care Mission ministry, have found peace because our faith, hope, and trust is in God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone. 

The Holy Spirit that lives in all Believers allows us to be compassionate for others while not being overwhelmed by the storm that rages around us.  We are broken hearted, but not broken.

COVID concerns did prompt us to make changes in the manner we distribute food assistance, but it was my health issues completely unrelated to COVID that forced us to close down for an additional 10 weeks during 2020.  We normally operate 49 of 52 weeks each year.  But my hip replacement and a later bout with sepsis caused us to be open only 39 of 52 weeks.  What God did in those 39 weeks was amazing.

God used the Care Mission, our volunteers, and our supporters to distribute 354 tons (707,335 lbs.) of food to 22,196 individuals within 6,956 households in 2020.  That’s approx. 9 tons of food distributed per week to an average of 178 households per week.  Enough food given for each individual served to prepare approx. 27 meals.  (For comparison; 2018 330 tons / 2019 370 tons of food distributed.) 

This is not possible without the favor of the Lord.  To God be the glory.

The value of the support we receive locally cannot be overstated.  We so much appreciate the individuals, civic groups, churches, and businesses that, out of obedience to the Holy Spirit, have faithfully supported our community by supporting what God is doing through the ministry of the

Care Mission Food Pantry.  May God bless you.

March 1st marked our 35th Wedding Anniversary.  When Kendra and I first met we had both strayed away from the Lord.  We tried to keep Him at arm’s length.  Thankfully the Holy Spirit used each of us to remind the other of the relationship we once had with Christ.  Soon we could no longer deny the calling God had placed on our hearts, as individuals and as a couple.  Our journey together continues. Please keep in your prayers all the families who have lost loved ones during this difficult time.  As well as those who struggle physically, emotionally, and/or financially.  Check in on others.  A kind word can mean a great deal.  We ask for your prayers for this ministry, for us, our volunteers, our clients, our supporters, and our Board Members.  Pray that God will grant us wisdom and discernment.

Food for thought…

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.”

Romans 12:12

Are you kidding me?  Joyful?  Patient?  Faithful?  With all the mess that’s swirling around us? 

This is how we’re supposed to handle the reality of today?    This is how we keep our sanity?

Yep.  It is.  No one said it would be easy.  It does take practice.  And a sincere relationship with Jesus.

Joyful in hope.  Filled to overflowing with joy because if we know Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, then we can be assured that we are never without hope.  Regardless of our current situation.

Patient in affliction.  Oh, this is so-o-o hard for me.  But, our affliction is only for a season.  It will pass.  We will get through it if we don’t set up camp in the middle of it.  And we are promised that God’s grace is sufficient.  So, until we do get through, allow God’s grace to pour over you.  Cry out for it.

Faithful in prayer.  Most of us are quick to pray when the battle is upon us.  Perhaps praying even more than when things are going well.  But, it’s not the quantity of our prayers that matter.  It’s the quality of our prayers that make the difference.  Are your prayers sincere and thoughtful?  Are they from a contrite heart?  Are you seeking wisdom and discernment, courage and strength?  Or are you throwing up prayers hoping one will stick, all the while doing what you think is best?  No condemnation from me.  I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to a less than high quality prayer life at times.  That’s how I know for sure and certain that the quality of your prayer life is more important than the quantity.

The end of 2020 has not brought about the end of all the craziness of this world.  In fact it’s probably safe to say “We ain’t seen nothing yet.”  2021 will very likely have a load of surprises.  But, the Holy Spirit has equipped us with all we need to get through each day.  Nothing surprises God.

Thanks for your support. Be Blessed,

Deon and Kendra