Mission News: April – June 2021

Published: July 2021

At our 10th Annual Day of Praise in 2015 Kendra shared the following thoughts.  With our 16th Annual Day of Praise just around the corner it seems appropriate to reflect back once more.

It was Saturday, June 25, 2005…8:00 am;

A group of about a dozen “believers” meet for prayer in a building located on the wrong side of the tracks.  There is little fanfare.  Most people driving by hardly notice the activity going on inside this old Lafayette building. 

The group is excited and nervous, none more than me.  God gave me a vision and for the previous two years I had at various times listened to God, ignored God, questioned God, bargained with God, doubted God and finally obeyed God.

I had served 8 years in youth ministry and nearly 3 years as the assistant director at Christ Chapel Mission in Ringgold.  It was there I realized God was showing me something.  He was preparing me.  When He moved me from there the hurt was almost overwhelming.  What followed was two years of growing pains.  It took the grace of God and my loving family to get me through it.

And there I was, only a few hours away from opening the doors of the Care Mission for the first time.  Through the hard work of friends and family, long hours, and buckets of blood, sweat, and tears the vision God had given me was now resting on the concrete floor that my friend and pastor would call “Holy Ground”.

With my husband’s support and blessing I had left a good secular job six months earlier; a job with security and good benefits, to lead a group of volunteer servants into battle to take back what the enemy had stolen.

But, as I stood there in that circle ready to pray, my mind began to fill with the ‘what if’s”.

What if I lack the faith required?

What if I can’t lead this ministry alone?

What if everyone realizes I’m not perfect, holy or righteous enough to do this?

What if we don’t have enough volunteers, what if they don’t stay?

What if there isn’t enough financial support?

What if the area churches don’t support this ministry?

What if no one shops at the thrift store to support the food pantry?

What if God’s voice goes silent or the vision that plays over in my head goes dark?

With the “Amen” of that Morning Prayer we checked all the last minute details.  At 10:00 am we opened the doors and the journey began.  It continues today.

Along the way I’ve been forced to face all my “what if’s”.  Some days I do lack an abundance of faith, but I’ve always had at least a mustard seed’s worth.  And God has remained faithful.  It turned out I could not lead this ministry alone, but God never intended that I would.  October 2006 my husband closed down our family business of 18 years and joined me full time. 

Most folks have realized we are not perfect and far from holy or righteous and some have been greatly disappointed in us.  So much so they feel it their duty to attack and condemn us based on their own self-righteousness.  But countless others have loved us regardless of our flaws and offered us much encouragement.  And all along the way God has surrounded us both with Godly men and women.

Volunteers have come and gone, some stayed others were just passing through.  At times there hasn’t been a lot of financial support, but our doors have remained open and our debts are always paid.  Most area churches don’t support our efforts, but a few do and we praise God for them.   

The thrift store was always busy, bringing in as much as $25,000 a year, but some days we gave away more than we sold.  In 2015 the Holy Spirit made it clear it was time to close the doors of the thrift store so He could open wider the doors of the food pantry.  It wasn’t easy to turn away from that monetary support, but God impressed upon our hearts to trust Him.  He has been faithful to provide and the food pantry has grown mightily.  No way could we have expanded the food pantry to the extent we have if we had not closed the thrift store.

And each day provides proof that it is God’s voice and vision that guides us.  Our faith continues to grow, anchored in the One who has sent us.  More important than the food distributed are the lives that have been changed by the work done here and the prayers launched from an old building on the wrong side of the tracks.  And of all the lives changed none have been more than ours.

I want to thank all of you for your support and ask you, “What if God’s not done?”

In His service, Kendra

Through 2020 God has used the Care Mission, our volunteers and supporters, to assist over

88,500 households, which has consisted of over 249,760 individuals.

Over 3,905 TONS of food has been distributed.  Enough food has gone out our doors to prepare approx. 6.5 million meals.  The estimated retail value of all the distributed food is $23.5 million.  This cannot happen without God’s blessing, without His direction, without His anointing, or without so many being obedient to support this ministry through prayer, physical, and/or monetary assistance.

Please join us as we celebrate 16 years of service by giving God all the glory at our 16th Annual Day of Praise at the Care Mission on Saturday, June 26th beginning at 5:00 pm with open house, meet and greet, light refreshments.  Followed by Praise and Worship with Pastor Chris and Hope Spears and then Pastor Tim Dennison presenting the Word.  We hope to see you there. Please keep in your prayers; our world, our nation, our state, our community, and our leaders.  This ministry and all the others around the world that are standing in the gap for so many in Christ’s Name.  The health, sound mind, and well-being of those who stand with the Lord.  Wisdom and discernment for those who serve the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.  And for the salvation of the lost.

Food for thought;

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Matthew 5:3

Pride is easily seen in those who keep God at a distance.  The further away from God they walk, the more prideful they become.  They don’t need God.  They’ve got this.  What could be more prideful? 

On the other hand, those who walk closely with the Lord are the poor in spirit.  They understand they can do nothing of any value apart from Christ Jesus.  They are spiritually bankrupt without Him.  They’ve realized that this life is unbearable without His peace.  And they recognize that the Kingdom of Heaven is here now.  This promise is made in the present-tense.  When we walk closely with Christ we get a taste of heaven, just a taste, in the here and now.

I can attest to this.  I have walked away from God and I have walked with God. 

I highly recommend walking with Him.

Thanks for your support and be blessed!

Deon and Kendra