Mission News: July – September 2020

Published: October 2020

This has truly been an unusual quarter at the Care Mission to say the least.  Having hip replacement surgery on July 7th we were closed all of July as planned.  However, after much prayer and consideration we decided to postpone our re-opening until September 2nd.  Even though my recovery went very well, we decided re-opening in August would be too much, too soon for me since I was still heavily involved in physical therapy.

So we re-opened Wednesday, September 2nd, and did we ever.  Using the same drive through method we had adopted before we closed for my surgery, we had cars lined up Patton Street well pass Cost Kutter Grocery Store for much of the day.  In all we assisted 97 households, with over 300 individuals within those households, just this one day.  Thursday and Friday were busy as well, but not as extreme.  Gradually things have returned to normal.

Because God was faithful to provide both a good supply of food and volunteers we were not overwhelmed by the initial impact of our re-opening.  We are so grateful for all He continues to provide, especially our volunteer servants.  Without them we could not operate.

Gospel Light Christian Fellowship Church will host our 15th Annual Day of Praise Saturday, October 10th, at 6:30 pm.  Pastors Chris and Hope Spears and family will lead us in a time of praise and worship as we give God glory for all He has done for and through the ministries of HERE I AM, Inc. and the CARE MISSION FOOD PANTRY.  June of this year marked the 20th Anniversary of the Here I Am ministry and the 15th Anniversary of the Care Mission. Please stay for refreshments afterwards. Face covering is not required but welcomed. The church is located at 36 Fortune Street, Lafayette, GA.

We realize there are still many anxious about the China Virus, but with so many restrictions being placed on churches across our nation, we feel it is now more important than ever to come together and praise Him.  We know He alone is worthy of our worship and praise.  Our desire to honor Him is far greater than any fears of this world.  Even so we do understand if you are not comfortable attending, or simply cannot attend for any reason, therefore we plan to live stream this event on the Care Mission and the Gospel Light Christian Fellowship Church’s Facebook pages.  Please join us there!

Please keep in your prayers; our Board of Directors, our supporters, our volunteers, our clients, our nation, and us.  Pray that we will be filled with Godly wisdom and discernment as we lead.  Pray that God will clear our path and direct our steps, anoint our hands, hearts, and minds. Pray for our protection and our boldness to proclaim the Gospel of Christ in all we do.  Amen.

Thanks for your support.

Be blessed, Deon and Kendra