Mission News: July – September 2019

Published: October 2019

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.  If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.  To HIM be the glory and the power for ever and ever.  Amen”

1 Peter 4: 10, 11

Serving the Lord through HIS strength isn’t easy.  Serving the Lord without HIS strength is impossible.  Certainly we are capable of doing some good works within the power of our own flesh, but of what value are they since those things only bring glory to ourselves?  No, it is the good works we do, provided by God which can only be accomplished by the power and strength of the Lord that are of any significant value since these works point directly to Christ.  We cannot begin to comprehend how HE will use them to bring others to HIS Kingdom.  This fact is not unknown to the enemy, the one who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.  And so it is that he, the evil one, will come against any who sets out to serve the Lord.

The past several months have been an emotional and spiritual rollercoaster.  Yet, we are quick to remember that we are greatly blessed far beyond anything we could ever hope for or imagine.  So, rather than dwelling on the hardships, the things the enemy would have us focus on, we will praise God for the strength HE has provided throughout it all.

We praise God that Kendra is cancer free and well on her way to a full recovery.  We praise God that others stepped up during Kendra’s absence to continue the work of the Care Mission.  We praise God that HE has been faithful to provide for our physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial needs.  We praise God for those who allowed God to use them in various ways to meet those needs.  We praise God for the prayers of the saints.  We praise God for our friends who offered us encouragement even as they fought their own battles.  We praise God for our family, especially our children who are all adults, who stood on their faith while wrapping their arms around us.  We praise God.

We know the battle is not over, but we know it is won.  There is victory in Jesus.  We thank you for your continued prayers and support as we move forward in the work of the Lord through the Care Mission.  Let us not grow weary of doing the good work HE has put before us.

As we move into the holiday season we will have an increase in the number of households coming in for food assistance, especially families with children.  If you’d like to get your family, church, church group, or work place involved just let us know and we’ll be happy to provide you with any information. 

As always the best, simplest way to help is through monetary giving since we can purchase food at pennies on the dollar through the Chattanooga and Atlanta Food Banks. 

However some items you could donate that we generally cannot purchase through them are;

Ketchup, mustard, mayo, sugar, salt, pepper, jelly, canned meats, crackers, oatmeal.

Personal hygiene items are always needed;

Hand soap, body wash, shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brushes, deodorant, lotions, etc.

Food for thought…

As we leave the mission heading home I almost always go past the Georgia Farm Bureau which is directly across from Wallis-Wilbanks Funeral Home.  Their signs are directly across the street from the other.  Wallis-Wilbanks’ sign list the names of the deceased and their funeral times.  The Farm Bureau sign generally promotes something they’re selling.  For several weeks now the Farm Bureau sign has read, “We sell life insurance.”  I chuckle every time I drive by, forgive me.

But, it does make me ponder.  Life insurance is important.  But, life assurance through Jesus Christ is really the thing we need. 

Be Blessed,

Deon and Kendra