Mission News: January – March 2020

Published: April 2020

Oh my g-o-o-o-dness!  What a way to start off 2020.  Not even Hollywood could have come up with all of this stuff.  China exports a virus to the entire world, causing a global shut down.  Schools closed, businesses closed, the terms “essential worker, social distancing, and shelter in place” are introduced to the general public, home schooling via the internet becomes commonplace, churches and other places of worship close and turn to social media to spread the Word and offer hope, toilet paper is a luxury, we discover we can live without sports, thousands are dying, thousands are sick, millions are struck with cabin fever, truck drivers are as important as doctors, and we find ways to adapt.  Tornadoes and severe weather add insult to injury providing a double whammy.  Food pantries, food banks, grocery stores, gas stations, auto repair, and liquor stores are listed among others as “Essential Service Providers” by our federal government.  After all ya need alcohol to fight the virus, right?

Easter was different, but not canceled.  As if any earthly authority could cancel what death could not?  With virtually every church in the world putting their Easter Service on social media the story of the Resurrected Christ was no doubt heard by more people than at any other time in history.  So because an Atheist Communist government tried to cover up the spread of a deadly virus the Gospel of Christ was heard by more individuals than at any other time in the history of the world.  Let that sink in.  What some meant for evil the Lord used for good. Through God’s grace and provision we’ve managed to keep our food pantry open.  We’ve had to make some adjustments in procedures, but have been open our normal hours.  Part of that adjustment has been the recruiting of volunteers to fill in while some of our regular volunteers stepped aside due to age and/or health issues that made it too risky for them to help.  God has provided some folks who were out of work due to the shutdown.  We’ve also changed our distribution method.  We now have our clients remain in their vehicles while we go to them to get information and then load the food for them.  We continue to offer prayer and hope.  We give them a card with a number on one side to help avoid confusion.  On the other side is a three word message “GOD’S GOT THIS!”  And a Bible verse;

“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love, of calm and a well-balanced mind, and discipline and self-control.”

2 Timothy 1:7

In their food box we’ve placed a note of encouragement from us and another Bible verse;

“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

With all that’s going on it should be no surprise that we’ve set a record high for the number of households served (1,974) and the number of individuals served (6,188) within those households for the first quarter.  April is on pace for that trend to continue.

It should also be no surprise that God has been faithful to provide the wherewithal for us to meet these needs.  We have temporarily lost some avenues of food supply during this crisis but God has opened other doors.  Likewise some of our sources of monetary support have been greatly reduced but God has continued to supply by touching the hearts of some who have never given to us and having others give more than they have in the past.  This crisis may have caught the world by surprise but it did not sneak up on God.  He is never overwhelmed.

June will mark the 20th Anniversary of our HERE I AM, Inc. Ministry and the 15th Anniversary of the Care Mission Food Pantry which was birthed from H.I.A., Inc.  We plan to celebrate what God has done with our 15th Annual Day of Praise on Saturday, June 27th at Faith Worship Center, located across the street from the Care Mission.  Those plans are still up in the air since we don’t know what guidelines regarding the virus will be in place at that time.  We will definitely celebrate and honor God for His blessings, if not on this date then later.

Please keep in your prayers our volunteers, our board members, our supporters, those we serve, our community and our nation.

Food for thought…

Over the past several years there has been a debate regarding nationalism and globalism.  Which is better for our country and our world?  Those who lean toward nationalism feel putting the best interest of their nation or kingdom’s citizens above others is proper.  Globalist believe we are all citizens of the world first and the best interest of a nation or kingdom is secondary.  Regardless of where you fall in this debate the recent events surrounding the global pandemic have illustrated that in reality globalism doesn’t exist.  When America closed its borders to protect its citizens from the effects of the virus, globalist within our own country and around the world chastised us as bigots, racist, and fear moguls.  Even the World Health Organization chimed in against us.  But, only a few weeks later even the European Union, the global leader in globalism, couldn’t convince its own member nations not to close their borders.  Germany even refused to share medical supplies until they were certain they had enough for their own citizens.  China ordered ship loads of medical supplies they’d sent out in trade agreements with several nations, including America, to return to China so they could be certain they had enough for their citizens.  Did I mention the virus began in China?  Even Mexico closed its border.  I’ll pause while you laugh at the irony of that.  The great philosopher and former world boxing champion Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”  Globalist had a plan until they got punched in the mouth by reality.

But, there is a kingdom that has never nor will ever allow anyone within its borders that are not citizens of that kingdom.  That is the Kingdom of Heaven.  If you plan on going there you’ll need to be born again into the Kingdom.  If you don’t know Christ as your personal Lord and Savior I pray you will accept Him today.  Once the gates close, they’re closed.  Be sure you’re a citizen.

Thanks for your support and be blessed,

Deon and Kendra