Mission News: April – June 2015

Published: May 2015

“I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.”

Psalm 9:1, 2

One day recently I was listening to praise music while heading to the Chattanooga Area Food Bank in our big truck. I was alone with my thoughts, music cranked up. At first I was going over in my mind all the things I needed to get done that day, that week. Right about Rock Spring, without really thinking about it, I set those things aside and began to thank God for all His blessings on my life. Singing along with the music at the top of my voice I praised Him. The Holy Spirit flooded my soul, pouring out of my mouth, filling the cab of our ’98 Ford diesel. By the time I reached Chickamauga tears of joyous worship streamed down my face. This continued all the way to the Food Bank, where I sat in the parking lot for a moment to wrap off my face and clean my glasses before backing up to the loading dock.

As I climbed out of the truck I thanked God for the trip, after all He’s a busy God with more pressing issues than mine. Climbing the steps to the warehouse I was reminded that God is never too busy, it is I who neglects to make the proper time for Him. If during the busyness of ministry, or life, we sacrifice the fellowship of Christ, what have we gained? More importantly, what have we lost? I’ve no doubt each of you have plenty for which to give God praise, but to add to those allow me to share with you the following information in regards to the Care Mission. In May of 2014 we learned that an avenue of financial support had closed. As it turned out the amount we lost compared to 2013 was nearly $23,000.00. A huge amount for men to overcome, but not God. The “Body of Christ” answered. Support from individuals increased $21,200.00. Amen! Church and Church Groups support increased $1,150.00. Amen! And Corporations and Civic Organization support increased $5,700.00. Amen! So what could have been a major loss became a net gain when placed in the hands of Christ. Amen and Amen! In 2014 God used the Care Mission, and their supporters, to provide food and/or clothing assistance to 7,265 Households (up 386 over 2013). Those households included 22,183 individuals (up 2,346 over 2013). Praise God! Approx. 79% of individuals assisted were either children, senior citizens or disabled. Doesn’t the Bible say something about serving the least? Matthew 25.

Approx. 360 Tons of food was distributed in 2014, enough to prepare approx. 308,300 meals. We serve an awesome God. If you consider all our operating cost for 2014 ($116,292.28) we were able to provide those meals for less than 38 cents each. That cannot be done without the hand of God.

The total estimated retail cost for all the food and/or clothing assistance distributed during 2014 would be nearly $1.7 million. Let that sink in. If all the families who received assistance from the Care Mission had gone to a regular retail store and purchased the same items the total cost would have been approx. $1,700,000.00. This estimate is not a number we pulled out of the air, but a true comparison between the costs we paid for items we received from our resources verses what we would have paid if they were purchased from a retail grocery store.

To break that down even further, a family of four would receive approx. $300.00 worth of groceries, a family of six approx. $450.00 worth of groceries and so forth. So when these individuals come to us they’re not just getting a couple bags of canned vegetables and a “God loves ya” speech. Instead they’re given a meaningful amount of food and thereby showing them that God does love them. The difference speaks volumes.

While all these things are unquestionably praise worthy, they remain secondary to the greater purpose. That being the opportunities we receive to minister to those who enter our doors. The prayer requests entered into our Prayer Book reflects how so many depend on those who serve at the Care Mission for kindness, encouragement, and hope. We are quick to point to Christ, a Christ many have never heard of. They are familiar with the Christ of condemnation, the Christ that is chiseled on the face of so many who breeze by them on their way to church. But, this Christ that loves them where they are, as they are, regardless of who they are is a Christ they’ve rarely heard of, much less seen.

We are not perfect. We shake our finger at no one. We are reminded daily of our unrighteousness. We simply believe that showing others the love of Christ better prepares the heart of those we serve to receive the Gospel of Christ. James 2:15 – 17.

God has been so gracious. He has not only provided financially, but also with servants, food and non-food donations. God used numerous individuals, churches, civic groups and corporations to get to us the things we needed. No donation was more needed than the fork-lift we received from MHI of Chattanooga. My back rejoices!

I mentioned servants. Without our volunteer servants we could not exist. Simple as that. A full storeroom is meaningless if you haven’t the hands and feet to sort, stack, hang, pack and distribute that which has been received. We are so grateful to God for those He has sent us. We praise Him for His wisdom in knowing the hearts of those He has chosen. We lift up those who did not turn a deaf ear to His calling. We are blessed.

We thank you for allowing God to use you in whatever why He has. Please know that your contributions are invaluable to the efforts of this ministry. Only God can truly measure the worth; only He can bless you properly. We can only offer our gratitude.

Saturday, June 20th at the Walker Co. Civic Center, 5:00 pm

Please circle that date, post that location and time. We most sincerely desire that you join us as we celebrate a Decade of Service at our 10th Annual Day of Praise.

This is not a fund raising event. This is a Praise-Raising Event. FREE Food and Fellowship will begin at 5:00 pm. Barbecue Chicken, prepared by Grill-Master Chris Spears, homemade sides, desserts and drinks, all-ya-can eat (or ‘til it’s all gone).

At 7:00 pm Praise and Worship begins with the evangelistic team True to the Call and drama team IMPACT. The evening will include testimonials and the world premiere short-documentary about the ministry of Here I Am, Inc. and the Care Mission, presented by Kelsey Phillips (our baby girl, now grown up).

Again, we understand that the summer Saturdays are busy and your time is so valuable, but we are confident that devoting this evening to praising God for all He has done through this ministry would be time well spent.

Kendra’s food for thought…

It was a beautiful day today. Deon worked picking up donations from our Lafayette Post Office, what a blessing. I stayed home and for most of the day I did yard work alone… except for Haygen that is.

Haygen is my 10 year old Labrador-Rottweiler mix dog. He is a big, loyal, protective baby. I “inherited” him when my daughter, DeJay, couldn’t take him with her when she moved out. He always stays close by. When I walk on my treadmill he often lays outside the nearby patio door. When I’m outside, he’s always right there. He can be aggressive when he senses I’m not certain about an individual, but mostly he just licks.

Today was no different. Haygen kept me within his sight, staying near as I mowed grass, trimmed limbs, and tended to my plants. I somehow felt secure in knowing that if a stranger were to happen up my drive Haygen would decide by my body language whether to bite or lick. Should I become exhausted or hurt myself, he would no doubt lick me in the face and rest with me. He would call 911 if he could.

If you’re a pet lover you can understand that I often thank God for Haygen. Today as I did just that God reminded me that even such a thing as a dog matters to Him, because it matters to me. The God I serve is not indifferent. He loves me enough to have His figure prints on every detail in my life.

Certainly we should praise God for salvation through Christ. But, let us not forget that Christ came so that we can have life more abundantly, here not just in heaven. I praise God for all the tiny details that make my life so blessed. A licking dog included.


Be Blessed,

Deon and Kendra